A downloadable game

This excellent Rusty’s Crystal Chaos WebGL game is a fun and interesting way for children to learn about coding and why it is such a useful skill.

When it comes to learning about skills like coding, teaching children can be a difficult task, as they’re not particularly easy to understand at first. That’s where a game like this one comes in, as it provides a fun but effective way for children to learn about coding. Not only that, but interactive educational games aid in cognitive development too, as they encourage the development of fine-motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

This is a sequel to Rusty and the Treasure Theif. In this game you create sequences of actions for Rusty to follow as opposed to debugging a pre-existing sequence of actions.

In this game you have access to new blocks. A rotate block that rotates Rusty. A forward block that moves Rusty in the current direction she is facing. You also get access to a start loop block and an end loop block. This allows you to make Rusty repeat actions. 

This game is designed to teach players who have no idea what a loop is through an interactive tutorial and level designs to encourage repeating actions. Each instruction block has a tutorial level that walks you through how to use the block. It holds your hand to ensure the player understands how to use the block. (These tutorial levels can be skipped). After a tutorial level there will be levels that reinforce how to use the instruction blocks via level design.

There are also levels where Rusty must stop Christmas Crooks. These are basically turn based boss fights. Rusty moves, then the boss, then Rusty and so on. You can utilise loops to defeat bosses quickly (apart from the Yeti as that is before you unlock the loop blocks).

There are over 40 Levels in the main game and over 70 levels over all! There are over 400 lines of voice acting.

Level mechanics:

Crystals that fire crystal beams. The beams refract 90 degrees to right whenever they touch a crystal.

Rocks that can be broken with crystal beams.

Piles of leaves that can block crystal beams, Rusty must remove these.

Ice that Rusty can slide on.

Springs to help Rusty bounce through the sky.

Generators that Rusty can destroy with crystal beams.

Tenery switches.

Tiles that vanish after Rusty walks over them.

All level mechanics have a written and spoken explanation on how they work. Level design also teaches the player. For example, the first 2 levels featuing ice don't require precise instruction block inputs to get to the end of the levels. This gives 2 levels for the player to figure out how the ice works by watching how Rusty interacts with it.

This game also improves its story and cutscene quality over Rusty and the Treasure Theif. There is a slightly more advanced plot that has a few distinct plot points as opposed to get back your stolen treasure. The cutscene quality was one area I wanted to improve on a lot and I think I improved a lot since Rusty and the Treasure Theif.

Link to play the game on Twinkl: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go/resource/rustys-crystal-chaos-t-i-1680166978 This is behind a Twinkl subscription paywall.

Here are videos for each world of the game (excludes postgame levels)

World 1:

World 2:

World 3:

World 4: 

World 5:

World 6:

World 7: 

Juste Boss Fight + Final Boss Fight Against RoboSanta:

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